Team Coaching

 Want to re-energise, refocus and create habits for team success?

Team coaching is a collaborative process involving self-discovery, enhancing team dynamics, developing vision and clarity, goal setting and developing strategic actions.  This process will All of this is designed to help you create exceptional results and lasting change.

Through facilitation and training, we will coach the team through assessment and skill-building allowing your team to deepen their learning and improve their performance.

Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.
— Michael Jordan

Team Coaching Approach

2016 Prism Award Logo

Team coaching may focus on topics such as:

  • Mapping the strengths of the team

  • Creating a High Performing Team

  • Creating a set of common team agreements

  • Building trust and creating goal alignment

  • Developing a team strategic vision and action plan

  • Creating a Powerful Vision

  • Styles and how they impact communication, work, productivity and the team

  • Holding Difficult Conversations

A Creative Approach to Team Development

Personality and behavior assessments are great tools for improving a team's understanding of its own dynamics, and they give team members a better understanding of why they react to their colleagues in certain ways.

Myers Briggs is an excellent tool for uncovering individual patterns in things such as communication and conflict resolution.  


Why Renew Coaching and Consulting?

To renew is to make new, fresh or strong again.  

Have questions about any of the information above? Looking for prices? Want to schedule a FREE phone consultation? We're here to help. Talk with us today!