Coaching Top Talent

Coaching Accelerates Leadership Growth!

It is that fire in your belly that makes you so incredibly happy when you do a particular activity that keeps you going. It is an intense energy to succeed in becoming the best in what you like the most. When you have experienced that unique moment, you are on the right path and have opened the door to become a world-class talent.

Companies provide Executive Coaching to top talent to accomplish the following: 

  • Personal transformation

  • Enhance leadership capabilities

  • Successfully transition individuals (promotions, lateral moves, international assignments)

  • Manage changes in strategy or required competencies

  • Execute succession management strategies

  • Improve cultural alignment

  • Onboarding for new executives

Lorraine’s coaching approach is centered on providing honest and objective feedback in the context of a supportive and high-trust, confidential client-coach relationship. Information about client strengths and opportunities for growth is the basis for the design a reflective and practical development plan. Get in touch to learn more!


Why Renew Coaching and Consulting?

To renew is to make new, fresh or strong again.  

Have questions about any of the information above? Looking for prices? Want to schedule a FREE phone consultation? We're here to help. Talk with us today!